
她说 · 她见 · 她想

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电通亚太区CEO Robert Gilby与16位电通中国女性领导进行亲切交流,并为Campaign“大中华最值得关注女性”获奖女性领导颁发荣誉证书。

Robert Gilby, dentsu APAC CEO, had a cordial exchange with 16 dentsu China women leaders, and presented congratulatory letters to the winning female leaders of Campaign "Women to Watch Greater China".


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作为电通“多元、平等、包容(DE&I)”的重要实践,2023年国际妇女节,我们以#打破无意识偏见 建设包容性品牌#为主题,开启讨论。

As an important practice of dentsu's "Diversity, Equality & Inclusion (DE&I)", we initiated an in-depth conversation on International Women's Day 2023 under the theme of "Break Unconscious Bias and Build Inclusive Brands".


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凯络中国CEO钱忆琳(Ami Qian)、电通创意中国公关咨询总经理王金玉(Echo Wang)、美库尔中国营销平台负责人张璐(Lana Zhang)受数字商业媒体平台执牛耳邀请,以营销商业领域女性领导者的视角,阐发深刻洞察。

Ami Qian, CEO of Carat China, Echo Wang, General Manager of PR Consulting, DENTSU CREATIVE China and Lana Zhang, Head of Marketing Platforms, Merkle China were invited by a digital business media platform called ZHINIUER,to share insights from the perspective of women leaders in marketing business.

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美库尔中国B2B董事总经理匡燕平(Cathy Kuang)在数字营销行业平台“Fmarketing”节日策划“营销行业的她力量”中,回答了女性营销人的优势、挑战、成功秘诀及工作生活平衡等问题。

Fmarketing, a platform for digital marketing industry, held a festival program "The Power of She in Marketing". At the event, Cathy Kuang, B2B Managing Director, Merkle China, talked about the strengths, challenges, success tips and work-life balance of female marketers.

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美库尔中国市场传播负责人魏宏巍(Cathy Wei)接受“广告圈”的“春知·畅想”特别策划邀请,对“体验”“数据”“技术”“创新”展开畅想。

Cathy Wei, Head of Marketing and Communication, Merkle China, impressed with inspirational ideas about "experience", "data", “technology" and "innovation" on Adquan's special program "Thinking in Spring".

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来自dentsu X中国的三位女性高管——体验设计负责人Jackie Xu、上海客户服务总经理Patricia Lin、北京客户服务总经理Chris Duan——分享了她们在工作与生活中的思考与感悟。

3 female leaders from dentsu X China – Head of Experience Design Jackie Xu, General Manager of Shanghai Office Patricia Lin, and General Manager of Beijing Office Chris Duan – shared their thoughts and feelings in their work and life.

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电通创意中国首席客户官李欣怡(Cindy Lee)在接受“现代广告杂志社”的专访中解读何为“她力量”。

In an interview with Modern Advertising Magazine, Cindy Lee, Chief Client Solution Officer, DENTSU CREATIVE China, interpreted the idea of "her power".