dentsu China Newsletter 2023

#Issue 1

January - April 2023

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电通创意旗下dentsu Z团队的李沐璋 (Norman Li)龙依梦(Yvonne Long)获得2023戛纳幼狮中国区选拔赛公关组第一名,将与其他六大赛道的第一名于6月前往法国戛纳,代表中国与来自全球的创意新生代来一次文化的交融与碰撞。
Norman Li and Yvonne Long from dentsu Z team are the winners of PR category at China Young Lions Competition 2023. These two Gen Z-ers, born in 2000, will represent Chinese young creatives together with other six category winners to go Cannes in this June where the next generation of global creative stars go head-to-head and where youth cultures meet.


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电通中国CEO黄国文(Deric Wong)在接受中国广告网视频专访时,分享了对年轻一代的观察和寄语。Deric Wong, CEO of dentsu China, shared his observations on the younger generation and offered career guidance in China Advertising interview.


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电通中国CEO黄国文(Deric Wong)受邀担任第十一届TopDigital创新营销奖评委嘉宾。

电通媒介凯络中国CEO钱忆琳(Ami Qian)受邀担任2023年戛纳狮子节媒介组初审评委;电通创意中国区执行创意总监蔡政廷(Henry Tsai)加入2023年戛纳幼狮中国区选拨赛评审团。

电通媒介dentsu X中国CEO张喆翔(Michael Zhang)受邀加入APAC Effie2023(亚太区艾菲奖)评审团。

电通客户体验管理美库尔中国B2B 董事总经理匡燕平(Cathy Kuang)加入2023大中华区艾菲奖AI营销专委会;电通创意中国区首席技术官陈建豪(Jianhao Chen)加入O+O品牌营销赛道专委会;电通创意中国区首席客户官唐睿(Twelve Tang)加入2023大中华区艾菲汽车奖理事会。

电通创意中国区首席策略官潘岩(Tiffana Pun)受邀加入Spikes Asia( 亚洲顶尖创意奖)创意数据及创新类别大奖评委团与2023 APAC Effie(亚太区艾菲奖)评审团。

电通中国整合解决方案创意负责人李日强(Kestrel Lee)加入白场国际广告营销节营销与数字评委团。


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在戛纳国际创意节70周年之际,电通中国受邀成为戛纳中国创意联盟的创始成员之一,电通中国CEO 黄国文(Deric Wong)出席成立大会及晚宴。

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Dentsu China is honoured to be invited as a Founding Member of Cannes Lions China Creative Alliance establishment on April 24th 2023 in Shanghai, China, on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Deric Wong, CEO of dentsu China, attended the inaugural meeting and dinner.


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电通创意中国区执行创意总监彭涛(Tim Peng)应邀来到2023中国大学生广告艺术节学院奖创意星球大讲堂杭州站,与浙大城市学院和浙江工大的同学面对面,畅谈广告创意。
Tim Peng, Executive Creative Director of DENTSU CREATIVE China, joined the Academy Award of Chinese College Students Advertising Festival in Hangzhou and shared modern creativity. 


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电通中国电商营销副总经理Lucia Zhang受邀出席GDMS电商流量新格局私享会,并发表演讲。电通创意中国区首席技术官陈建豪(Jianhao Chen)在圆桌讨论中代表电通分享在电商流量方面的洞察。
Lucia Zhang, Deputy General Manager of eCommerce of dentsu China, was invited to give a speech at the GDMS E-Commerce Traffic New Pattern Meeting. DENTSU CREATIVE China Chief Technology Officer Jianhao Chen shared insights into EC traffic on the panel.


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电通中国整合解决方案创意负责人李日强(Kestrel Lee)受邀在韩国首尔举办的数字营销峰会(Digital Marketing Summit)上分享Z世代营销洞察。
Kestrel Lee, Integrated Solutions Creative Head of dentsu China, was invited to share Gen Z Marketing Insights at the Digital Marketing Summit in Seoul, Korea.


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电通客户体验管理美库尔中国CEO刘耿(Hawk Liu)受邀参加多个市场活动,并分享洞察。
Hawk Liu, CEO of Merkle China, was invited to several key events and shared insights to:

  1. 亮相Morketing灵眸大赏,与快消、汽车、食品饮料、美妆个护、游戏等行业品牌共同探讨客户体验如何成为品牌增长新密码。
    At the Morketing Summit, Hawk addressed an audience of Marketing professionals across FMCG, Automotive, F&B, Beauty, Gaming and others, on how Customer Experience is the new code for brand growth. 更多/More
  2. 做客Morketing 灵眸一刻直播栏目,与创始人Ivy从客户体验视角出发,解答数字化转型、品牌在增长中的营销困惑,对品牌布局元宇宙等相关话题进行了探讨。
    At the live-event with Morketing, Hawk, together with Ivy, Founder of Morketing, from the perspective of customer experience, discussed trends impacting Digital Transformation, and highlighted pain points of brands growth marketing and metaverse marketing, from the perspective of Customer Experience. 更多/More
  3. 出席第17届上海零售业大会暨中国零售创新峰会,与生态伙伴共话零售业态创新发展。
    Hawk attended the 17th Shanghai Retail Industry Congress & China Retail Innovation Summit and shared his perspective on Innovative Development in China. 更多/More


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Merkle, together with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Adobe, explored the secrets in the Data Age.


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dentsu Z Camp 2023暨第二届沪港澳大学生商业案例广告大赛圆满收官。
DENTSU CREATIVE China, in partnership with Fudan University, launched the dentsu Z Camp in 2023 in Shanghai successfully.


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Dentsu Shanghai office will soon be relocated to Haisu Culture Plaza, a combined space with urban and green elements,inspired by sustainability and created to be future-ready.


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Dentsu China boosted communications with media, industry KOL and key stakeholders at the media events in Shanghai and Beijing.


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At March, dentsu women leaders claimed their opinions with “her voice”, “her power” and "her advocacy”.


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电通中国One Day for Change,让改变生根发芽。作为电通全球推动可持续发展的重要项目,今年我们以“自然与循环经济”为主题,携手“星乐家园”的自闭症青年实习主播,开展二手物品和环保手作的线上公益拍卖活动。
This year, for dentsu China's ODFC campaign themed "Nature and the Circular Economy", we teamed together with youths with autism spectrum disorder, to carry out recycling, drive donations and host online charity bazaar programs to give a new lease of life to ‘pre-loved’ items.


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电通中国加入中国国内首个专注可持续办公领域及企业ESG的企业联盟 “低碳办公联盟” , 成为该机构内首家国际营销传播集团会员。
Dentsu China joined "Sustainable Solutions Alliance" - the first enterprise alliance focusing on sustainable office and enterprise ESG in China. We are the very first international marketing communications group to join the alliance.


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dentsu APAC CEO Robert Gilby, together with dentsu China CEO Deric Wong and Senior Leadership delegates met with Shanghai Changning District Governor Zhang Wei to discuss how dentsu is excited to be part of the future landscape of Changning. This milestone event also marks the firstofficial meeting by the Changning District Government with a foreign company, after China lifted its COVID-19 travel restrictions. Dentsu looks to continuing its strong and strategic long-term co-operation with the district government - supporting the community on environmental, social, governance (ESG), cultural and innovation developments.

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电通作为首批100家上海数字贸易创新企业,以及长宁区10家入围企业,受邀参加长宁商委组织的数字贸易创新座谈会。美库尔中国CEO刘耿(Hawk Liu)代表电通,向与会领导以及外资企业代表介绍了电通的数字化赋能创新能力以及美库尔的专长,同时就数字化营销及出入海业务推动数字贸易创新进行了探讨交流。
Recognisedas one 10 Finalists, and first 100 Shanghai Digital Trade Innovation Enterprises in Changning District, dentsu was invited to the Digital Trade Innovation Symposium organised by Changning Commercial Committee. Hawk Liu, CEO of Merkle, introduced dentsu's Digital Empowerment Innovation capabilities and Merkle to the audience, and exchanged views on Digital Marketing and Inbound and Outbound business driving Digital Trade Innovation.

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电通中国CEO黄国文(Deric Wong)与高管团队一行拜访上海市长宁区新华街道办事处,与党工委郝鹏书记共商政企合作未来。
Deric Wong, CEO of dentsu China, together with dentsu executive team visited Xinhua Street Office and discussed with Hao Peng, Secretary of the Party Working Committee, about government-enterprise cooperation.


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Dr. Cao Feng, President of Sichuan Advertising Association, member of Sichuan Daily Newspaper Economic and Management Committee and Chairman of Cover Technology, visited dentsu China.


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Simi Chen和Philip Yuan是dentsu X的两位90后业务总监,在他们眼中,dentsu X是一个很开阔的平台,不会限制任何人的发展。
As post-90s generation business directors of dentsu X, Simi Chen and Philip Yuan believe that dentsu X is a limitless platform to unleash their potential on career development paths.


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7位来自电通创意(DENTSU CREATIVE)的广告圈年轻人接受《中国广告杂志》专访,以他们各自的职场故事,带来一些“窥一斑可知全豹”的视角洞察。
7 young people from DENTSU CREATIVE took the interview by China Advertising, sharing insights from their respective roles.