dentsu China Newsletter


May - July 2023

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电通中国荣摘亚太史蒂夫® 卓越运营金奖

Dentsu China won 2 Golds in Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards 

电通中国凭借在技术和管理方面的创新力,在亚太区权威商业奖项“2023年亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫”中荣摘两项金奖(Gold Stevie®Awards)! 2023年,在该奖项设置的15个类别、800余参选企业中,电通中国在“企业产品&服务业的创新管理奖”和“技术管理、 企划&执行创新奖”两大类别中脱颖而出,成为该奖项成立十年来首家获得该类别金奖的国际营销传播集团。该奖项的颁奖典礼于6月27日举办, 电通COO SheldonXu出席了线上颁奖仪式并发表了获奖感言。Link

Dentsu China wins 2Golds in 2023 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the region’s premier business awards - in recognition of the group’s Innovation in Technology and Management. More than 800 nominations from organisations across the Asia-Pacific region were considered this year in 15 categories, out of which dentsu China bagged the Award for Innovative Management in Business Product & Service Industries and the Award for Innovation in Technology Management, Planning & Implementation - All Other Industries, the first-time that an international advertising and communications group is recognized in these two categories. The award ceremony was held online on June 27th, and Sheldon Xu, Chief Operating Officer of dentsu, attended the ceremony and shared an acceptance speech. Link


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电通中国CEO黄国文(Deric Wong)接受封面新闻采访。Deric分享了营销的数字化转型为广告行业带来的机遇和挑战,以及电通如何通过广告、业务、客户体验、数字4X的融合转型,借势科技赋能整个营销行业、促进资源的高效整合。 Link

Deric Wong, CEO of dentsu China was interviewed by In this interview, Deric shared the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation against current business landscape. He also highlighted how dentsu is leading transformation in the industry, by leveraging data and technology to be future-ready for new opportunities... promoting seamless integration of resources through the 4X of advertising, business, consumer experience and digital.

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电通中国CEO黄国文接受中新网采访,谈数字商业转型中整合能力提供互联营销解决方案 Link

State-owned media agency China News Service did an interview with dentsu China CEO Deric Wong during WAIC 2023, focusing on dentsu’s announcements of two AI marketing solutions.

电通集团在WAIC发布全新AI互联营销解决方案 颠覆数字营销新格局 

Dentsu China attended the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC)



Dentsu, together with Yi Ou, the leading investment think tank for the science and technology industry in China, successfully held the “AI Business Evolution Forum: Commercialising AI with dentsu" at 2023 World
Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC). The event attracted the world's top scientists, renowned scholars, and AI business leaders to discuss the application, business value and future trends of AI in multiple vertical industries. At the conference, Deric Wong, CEO, dentsu China, also inaugurated WAIC's "AI Business Evolution Forum”, alongside Shan Dongming, Deputy Chief at Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information, and Dr. Wang Bin, Co-Founder of Yi Ou, reaffirming strategic cooperation and capability building across industry sectors, to support China’s growing AI economy. Link 


Dentsu China shone at the 6th Capital Forum 2023

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电通受邀出席2023年度【资本论坛】,围绕“创造可持续价值”,以全球视野分享助力中国企业在海外市场打造可持续发展品牌,和驱动业务新增长的洞察和布局。电通中国CEO黄国文(Deric Wong)先生在主题为“新经济时代下的中国企业全球化趋势”的圆桌讨论中,代表广告营销传播行业进行了分享 Link;美库尔中国效果营销负责人马骏(Hermes Ma)先生发表了“出海营销——换服大佬们氪金守则”主题演讲。Link 

Dentsu China shone at the 6th Capital Forum 2023 themed "Create Sustainable Value" in Haikou, Hainan Province China, as the only International Communications & Advertising Network invited to the annual gathering organised by the state-owned media conglomerate Shanghai United Media Group.

百年电通 43年深耕本土 新灵感再出发!

Dentsu China Shanghai office’s relocation and opening ceremony

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Dentsu China's Shanghai headquarters has been relocated to the“Haisu Cultural Plaza”, a new green lung of the city and a shiny new Shanghai landmark in the Changning District, and held an opening ceremony. The design concept encapsulated the themes of Future, Nature, Openness, Transparency - integrating innovation, prioritising environmental strategies and psychology of a workplace… while offering a wondrous auditory and visual feast for all on each floor of dentsu China's new headquarters.

Dentsu China as a new member of the ‘@Low Carbon Footprint Office Alliance’ is leading and advocating ESG performing and low-carbon office approaches across all our five offices in China. We actively co-operate with the Alliance to explore the diversity of a sustainable Chinese workplace, with brands and ecological partners to develop meaningful and sustainable impact to human and environmental health.


Cannes Lions Media Cases Sharing Session

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电通媒介组织戛纳创意节媒介案例分享会,电通中国整合创意负责人李日强 (Kestrel Lee) 从本届戛纳创意节最优秀的媒介案例出发,深入解读这些案例代表着怎样的行业风向,案例的包装有哪些亮点,我们该如何向这些精彩的案例学习,并做出真正兼具实效与创意的媒介活动。

Dentsu Media organised a Cannes Lions media cases sharing session led by Kestrel Lee, Creative Lead, Integrated Solutions at dentsu China - featuring some of the best cases from this year's Cannes Lions with in-depth insights industry trends; what these cases represent; highlights and lowlights, and how we can learn from these outstanding campaigns to make a difference, while being both effective and creative.


Dentsu joined hands with outbound marketing partners to empower brands

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电通中国携手SparkXGlobal、MiQ、The Trade Desk、Teads、Hivestack巢仕达、EternityX等出海营销合作伙伴开展了一场海外媒体合作专场研讨会。该研讨会以“赋能品牌出海营销新增量”为主题,分享了行业出海媒介资源及数据平台服务,赋予电通业务核心团队及高层以前瞻性决策,助力品牌落实业务战略,强化出海业务增长。Link

Dentsu China, together with its outbound marketing partners SparkXGlobal, MiQ, The Trade Desk, Teads, Hivestack, EternityX, held a seminar on outbound media cooperation. With the theme of "Empowering Brands to Achieve Growth in Outbound Marketing", the seminar shared the outbound media resources and data platform services in different industries, empowered dentsu's core business team and executives to make forward-looking decisions, and assisted brands in implementing their business strategies and strengthening their outbound business growth.


DENTSU CREATIVE shares about Creativity & Career of Advertisers at Shanghai Business School

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Berial Guo, Group Creative Director, DENTSU CREATIVE China, was invited as Guest Speaker at Shanghai Business School, to share his views to Advertising students on Creativity, and Life in the Advertising Industry. 

对话中日元宇宙共创 | 电通创意

Co-creation of Metaverse in Dialogue | DENTSU CREATIVE

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Kazuki Tsuburaku, Chief Experience Officer, DENTSU CREATIVE China, attended an event hosted by Jianyang Business and Investment Bureau and 'TOD and City Design Sharing' in Chengdu, to discuss the city’s future business operations and development.

直击戛纳现场,对话《现代广告》| 电通创意

Live in Cannes, Dialogue with "Modern Advertising" | DENTSU CREATIVE

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Chris Chen, Chief Creative Officer, DENTSU CREATIVE China, joined a session hosted by Modern Advertising at Cannes Lions Festival to share the award-winning KFC Re:Store and the virtual world of marketing.

电通创意加入上海交大“创新与共创”论坛, 谈元宇宙市场中日合作可能性

DENTSU CREATIVE joined the Sino-Japanese Enterprise Innovation Cooperation Forum @Shangai Jiao Tong University

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Kazuki Tsuburaku, Chief Experience Officer, DENTSU CREATIVE China, joined the Sino-Japanese Enterprise Innovation Cooperation Forum held by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Link

dentsu X 中国区CEO受邀出席《经济学人》“中国数字经济的未来”活动

dentsu X China CEO attended The Economist “The future of China’s digital economy” event

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dentsu X中国区CEO张喆翔(Michael Zhang)在一场由《经济学人》主办的“中国数字经济的未来”活动上,分享了对中国数字经济、平台经济的未来发展趋势和数字经济中的规模效应等的看法,并介绍了dentsu X如何帮助年轻人获得在数字经济中茁壮成长所需的技能。

dentsu X China CEO was invited by The Economist to an event themed “The future of China’s digital economy”. He shared insights on China's digital economy, future trends of the platform economy and the scale effect in the digital economy. He also introduced how dentsu X is working to help young people acquire skills needed to thrive in the digital economy.

如何玩转数字与科技实现客户体验有效提升 | 美库尔 @iDigital

How integrating Digital and Technology can effectively improve customer experience | Merkle @iDigital

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Lana Zhang, Head of Marketing Platforms, Merkle China, delivered a speech at the 9th iDigital Brand Summit, to brand-owners across the Auto, FMGC, luxury, travel, retail, food &beverage industries on how to effectively leverage data and tech to boost customer experience.


Dentsu was invited by Henan Province Advertising Association sharing trends, innovation and solutions

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电通中国媒介购买负责人崔宏禹、电通Merkle CMO魏宏巍、电通美库尔客户体验咨询负责人王舒婷出席河南省广告协会第五届二次会员大会暨电通中国河南业务分享会,从行业洞察、客户服务、成功案例方面进行了现场分享。Link

Dentsu China and Merkle, a dentsu company, were invited by Henan Province Advertising Association, to share the latest CXM trends, innovation, and the power of connected digital experiences for high-level consumer engagement.

对话《现代广告》,谈作为戛纳幼狮中国区选拔赛评审的感受 | 电通创意

Perspectives on 2023 Cannes Young Lions China Competition in Dialogue with Modern Advertising | DENTSU CREATIVE 

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Henry Tsai, Executive Creative Director, DENTSU CREATIVE China, talked to Modern Advertising about his perspectives on 2023 Cannes Young Lions China Competition and the young talents.


DENTSU CREATIVE shared works and insights at the 2023 Entrepreneurship Program & Creative Marketing Camp

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Franky Liao, Senior Creative Director, DENTSU CREATIVE China shared creative works and marketing insights to students during the 2023 Entrepreneurship Program & Creative Marketing Camp jointly-held by univeristies in Shanghai and Hong Kong.


DENTSU CREATIVE showcased works with an exchange group from Shandong University of Art & Design

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康文馨,电通创意中国区策略合伙人,与来自山东工艺美术学院广告学师生35人访问交流团面对面,介绍电通创意与dentsu Z,分享作品,答疑解惑。 Link 

Winnie Kang, Strategy Partner, DENTSU CREATIVE China, introduced DENTSU CREATIVE & dentsu Z and showcased our creative works to an exchange group of 35 students and professors from Shandong University of Art & Design during their field trip in Shanghai.

走进上海纽大,分享娱乐营销创意 | 电通创意

Sharing Entertainment Marketing @NYU Campus | DENTSU CREATIVE

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Chris Chen, Chief Creative Officer, DENTSU CREATIVE China, together with Britney Pai, Chief Growth Officer, DENTSU CREATIVE China, shared Strategic Marketing in China "Entertainment Marketing" and "Creativity" to students at NYU Shanghai campus.


A Lecture by DENTSU CREATIVE China CCO @Fudan University

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Chris Chen, Chief Creative Officer, DENTSU CREATIVE China, gave a lecture to the advertising-major students at Fudan University.


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创意人 X AI工具,“联手”打造“低碳办公标识”海报

Creative Designer X AI Tool: Co-creating "Low-Carbon Workspace" Posters

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自4月成为“低碳办公联盟“的首家国际营销传播领域成员后,电通中国以身作则,与联盟合作出品了一套“低碳办公标识“海报,放置在上海新办公室的公共区域(包括餐厅、会议室、打印间等),提醒员工节能节电节水,减少浪费, 提倡可持续办公文化。所有画面由创意人和AI工具Midjourney共创完成。

As a new member of Low-Carbon Workspace Alliance, dentsu China collaborated with the org for a set of posters in the new Shanghai office, engaging employees with a culture of sustainability. The posters are a collaboration between creative designers & AI tool Midjourney.

电通走进厦门大学 | 创新创业研习坊

dentsu @XMU | Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop

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电通集团携手康师傅来到厦门大学,参与由上海国际广告节主办的创新创业研习。电通中国CEO黄国文、电通媒介中国首席运营官王佩思、凯络中国客户整合营销董事总经理张力、电通创意中国资深创意总监张琦为厦大学子带来别开生面的一课,从方法论到实战案例,干货满满。本次研习坊是电通“社会影响力”项目——“The Code”的重要组成部分,旨在为年轻人打开行业之门,拓展年轻人未来职业成长路径,从而培养适应时代的英才。Link

Dentsu and Master Kong teamed together at Xiamen University to participate at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop organised by Shanghai International Advertising Festival (SHIAF). Deric Wong, CEO of dentsu China, Nicole Wang, COO of dentsu Media China, Aaron Zhang, Head of Integrated
Client Service of Carat China, and Wenge Zhang, Senior Creative Director of DENTSU CREATIVE China, shared industry insights, career anecdotes and professional tips to Xiamen University students through unique content, methodology to practical lessons. We had an inspiring weekend of sheer creativity and exuberance with the talented students at Xiamen University. This workshop is an important part of dentsu's Social Impact program - "The Code” , which aims to empower youths, hone their talents, give them a stage for expression, and providing them with the right opportunities, by opening the doors of the industry.

Dentsu China celebrated with Mr. Yu Qing Chu, Dean, School of Journalism and Communications, Xiamen University, and the School of Advertising on the occasion of their 40th Anniversary!


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Secretary of CPC and Mayor of Changning District visited dentsu Shanghai HQ

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长宁区区委书记、区长张伟带队调研电通上海总部办公室,与电通中国CEO黄国文 (Deric Wong) 等公司高层管理团队人员进行会谈。区委办主任顾耀军、区投促办主任游雁、区外办主任陈丰、新华路街道办事处副主任韦玮也参加了此次会谈。Link

Zhang Wei, the Secretary of CPC and Mayor of Changning District visited dentsu China's Shanghai headquarter, and held a successful meeting with Deric Wong, CEO of dentsu China and other Senior Executive Leaders. Mr. Gu Yaojun, Director of the District Party Committee Office, Mr. You Yan, Director of the District Investment Promotion Office, Mr. Chen Feng, Director of the District Foreign Affairs Office, and Mr. Wei Wei, Deputy Director of the Xinhua Sub-District Office, were also present at this meeting.


dentsu & Tencent Marketing Solution announce partnership

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在第70届戛纳国际创意节上,电通集团与腾讯广告进行了会面并发布战略合作伙伴计划。启动仪式上,电通集团亚太区首席执行官Rob Gilby和腾讯广告渠道生态合作部副总经理张磊在写有“联盟”的中文卷轴上共同盖章。双方回顾了过往的合作成果,并对2023年的合作进行了展望。升级后的合作将围绕整合营销探索、版权内容合作、营销科学和营销有效性研究、公益和社会责任四大领域展开。Link

At the 70th Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, dentsu unveiled its Joint Business Partnership (JBP) with Tencent Marketing Solution (hereafter referred to as TMS). Rob Gilby, APAC CEO of dentsu, and Ethen Zhang, Deputy General Manager of Channel Sales at TMS, jointly stamped a scroll inscribed with the Chinese characters "Lian Meng," symbolizing "Union". Building on a strong track record of collaboration, the enhanced JBP will concentrate on four core areas: integrated marketing solution development, copyrighted content cooperation, marketing technology and measurement, and charity and social responsibility. Link


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Working @iProspect: Finding Value of Work and Life from Challenges